Photo by Steve driscoll on Unsplash

The art of architecture embodies the architect’s artistic vision and creativity, creating a whole new world of craft and mastery.

Architecture has evolved over time and has greatly progressed. Apparently, the artistic and creative vision of architects has reached a different level of design, integrating imagination and originality. Creating a whole new world through architecture that’s not only beautiful but also functional and sustainable has a significant role in our society. 

In Ronald Lee Harden’s Untold Architectural Black History of Tampa, Florida, he shares his personal experiences and insights while taking readers on a fascinating journey through some of the most significant and creative architectural projects he has been a part of. 

From historic buildings to modern structures, this book is a testament to the remarkable contributions made by black architects to the built environment of Tampa, Florida.

Ronald Lee Harden has been instrumental in the transformation of the Tampa community through his projects in the Untold Architectural Black History of Tampa, Florida. These projects have created new homes, job opportunities, and cultural events for the African-American and other mixed communities in the city. They have greatly improved the living conditions and overall quality of life for these communities.

“Whatever good things we build end up building us.”

—Jim Rohn

This depicts the good things the ever-devoted and talented author, Ronald Lee Harden, has done. He significantly contributed to the community of Tampa expanding economically and culturally through his projects as an architectural project manager and provided purpose to the citizens of the city.

Often, we overlook the positive impact of architecture on the world as we just view it as mere construction of buildings. The thing is, the art of architecture is more than that. It evokes a sense of hope from the created projects that inspire and uplift. 

  • Architecture does not only build structures; It builds the lives of the people. 
  • Architecture does not only design spaces; It adds beauty to the smiles of the hopeless.
  • Architecture does not only connect the pieces of a project; It connects us as a community. 

Architecture has long been a reflection of society, revealing the existence, values, and culture of its people.

“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.”

—Frank Lloyd Wright

Architecture plays a crucial role in shaping and defining a civilization. It consists of different various art forms to create structure. Considering that architecture also creates a sense of identity through architectural design and structure, it also enhances the quality of life and supports economic development.

From the designed and built projects, people can have access to a functional environment where we are safely sheltered. It is where we mold our productivity and become the best version of ourselves.

“Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.”

—Julia Morgan

Architectural design and structure hold meaning and purpose. The buildings and spaces that surround us affect how we feel. The beauty envisioned by the architects evokes appreciation from people who can witness the masterpiece before their very eyes.

We can’t help but admit that as civilians making good use of functional and beautiful architecture, we are in awe of the brilliant designs integrated into the structures and buildings, which rekindle positive emotions and feelings in our souls.

“It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.”

—David Allan Coe

While the visual appeal of buildings and structures is undoubtedly important, we must not overlook the crucial role of a solid foundation in supporting their structural integrity and architectural design. 

The foundation serves as the bedrock upon which the entire structure is built, providing stability and longevity to the building’s overall form. A well-designed foundation, therefore, is a fundamental component in ensuring that a building or structure remains standing for years to come.

A Creative and Artistic Vision

Discover the rich and often overlooked history of Black architects with this masterpiece of a book, Untold Architectural Black History of Tampa, Florida, by Ronald Lee Harden. Be prepared to dive into a unique perspective of creating a whole new world through architecture.

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